October 8, 2006 - January 7, 2007
«Revelation, Uppenbar(a)t»
Kulturhuset Stockholm, Sweden
June 29 - September 24, 2006
«Corpus Christi. Christusdarstellungen in der Fotografie»
Kunsthalle Krems, Krems (AT)
April 22 - July 30, 2006
«Thy Brothers’ Keeper»
Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI (US)
Noel Jabbour, through her series of «postcards», looks at Palestinian daily life swaying between an aspiration to normality and the madness surrounding it. The fact that she chose to create postcards - which by definition are images of beauty and serenity - is in itself symptomatic and accentuates the unbearable conditions. (Excerpt from the exhibition catalogue) Nissan N. Perez, Curator
March 10 - April 23, 2006
«The Earth» The eleventh International Biennial of Photography
FotoFest 2006
Winter Street Studios, Houston, TX, catalogue
Segregation Wall
Noel Jabbour gives us an ageless biblical vision of this conflict. The Wall takes its place again in the fresco that is several thousand years old. When conditioned by our immediate history, and feel powerless, when we are only fed images that limit of our horizon, Noel Jabbour, takes a position and, through this position, teaches us history anew. (Excerpt from the Fotofest 2006 catalogue)
François Cheval, Director of the Musée Nicéphore Niépce
April 4 - July 30, 2006
«The Art of Living: Contemporary Photography from The Israel Museum»
The Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, CA (US)
March 14 - May 27, 2006
«Made in Palestine»
The Bridge Gallery, New York, NY
Vacant Seats
Noel Jabbour evokes our compassion with her striking portraits of families who have lost a loved one. James Harithas, Curator
February 2006
Daylight magazine
Noel Jabbour's work «Palestinian Interiors» has been published in Daylight magazine issue #4 - Israel/Palestine -, along with works from Luc Delahaye, Gilad Ophir, Paolo Pellegrin, Kai Wiedenhöfer, Ori Gersht and others.